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Table 1 Baseline study population characteristics

From: Lifestyle counselling as secondary prevention in patients with minor stroke or transient ischemic attack: a randomized controlled pilot study


Intervention n = 20

Usual care n = 20

Age (years)

66.1 ± 9.3

68.0 ± 6.3

Sex (n/% female)

5 (25%)

6 (30%)

Diagnosis (IS/TIA)a

12/6 (60%/30%)

11/8 (55%/40%)

Scandinavian Stroke Scale (SSS)


15 (75%)

17 (85%)


3 (15%)



1 (5%)

2 (10%)


1 (5%)




1 (5%)

Living arrangements

 Living alone

3 (15%)

5 (25%)

 Living with a partner

17 (85%)

15 (75%)

Educational attainment


 Secondary school

7 (35%)

3 (15%)

 Vocational education or training

2 (15%)

8 (40%)

 Bachelor’s degree or equivalent

6 (15%)

4 (20%)

 Master’s degree

3 (5%)

5 (25%)

Pre stroke performance status

 0 (asymptomatic)

18 (90%)

17 (85%)

 1 (some symptoms, no disabilities)

2 (10%)

3 (15%)

Self-rated health

 Less good

3 (15%)



12 (60%)

7 (35%)

 Very good

4 (20%)

13 (65%)


 Charlson Comorbidity Index


10 (50%)

10 (50%)


5 (25%)

9 (45%)


3 (15%)


   > 2

2 (10%)

1 (5%)

 Known diabetes

4 (20%)


 Previous stroke

4 (20%)

4 (20%)

 Previous myocardial infarction

2 (10%)

1 (5%)

 Heart arrythmia (known or diagnosed)

2 (10%)

3 (15%)

Risk factors



3 (15%)


  Former smoker

11 (55%)

9 (45%)

  Never smoked

5 (25%)

11 (55%)

 Package years

10 (IQR 3–15)

10 (IQR 3.9–10.5)

 Alcohol intake (units/week)

6 (IQR 1.75–20.25)

5 (IQR 2.5–8.5)

Body composition

 Body weight (kg)

88.5 ± 15.5

82.6 ± 13.6

 Body mass index (kg/m2)

26.9 (IQR 25.5–30.9)

25.5 (IQR 23.5–28.1)

 Waist/hip ratio

1.00 ± 0.09

0.98 ± 0.12


 HbA1c, mmol/L

7.05 ± 2.15

6.51 ± 0.66

 Total cholesterol, mmol/L

4.96 ± 1.16

5.16 ± 1.05

 LDL, mmol/L

2.76 ± 0.97

3.09 ± 0.87

 HDL, mmol/L

1.38 ± 0.50

1.34 ± 0.30

 VLDL, mmol/L

0.71 ± 0.25

0.75 ± 0.35

 Triglycerides, mmol/L

1.62 ± 0.63

1.90 ± 1.11

  1. Measures are presented as mean ± standard deviation, number (%), or median (interquartile range; IQR)
  2. IS Ischemic stroke, TIA Transient ischemic attack, IQR Intra-quartile range, HbA1c Haemoglobin A1c, LDL Low-density lipoprotein, HDL High-density lipoprotein, VLDL Very low-density lipoprotein
  3. aPlease note that in three cases, the diagnosis was changed to a final non-stroke diagnosis after the patient was included in the study, which is why the numbers do not add up to 100%