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Table 3 COM-B component and behaviour change techniques (BCTs) targeting individual’s dietary behaviour change

From: Feasibility and acceptability of a contextualized physical activity and diet intervention for the control of hypertension in adults from a rural subdistrict: a study protocol (HYPHEN)

Model component

Taxonomy category



Findings from needs assessment



Shaping knowledge


Instruction on how to perform a behaviour

Avoidance/reducing exposure to cues for the behaviour

Goal setting

Advise or agree on how to perform the behaviour (includes ‘Skills training’)

Advise on how to avoid exposure to specific social and contextual/physical cues for the behaviour, including changing daily or weekly routines

Set or agree a goal defined in terms of the behaviour to be achieved

Diet is rich in high salt content such as processed food; use of high salt spices for cooking

Education on high sodium content food items from usual diet

Education on reduction in salt consumption and high salt spices

Finding alternative options for food with lower sodium content (for example brown bread instead of white bread)

Limiting cooking salt to one teaspoon per day


Shaping knowledge

Information about antecedents

Provide information about antecedents (e.g. social and environmental situations and events, emotions, cognitions) that reliably predict performance of the behaviour

Habitual consumption of self-grown vegetables and naturally growing wild herbs such as nkaka, Aloe, and Moringa)

Encourage to continue consumption of wild herbs and self-grown garden produce


Feedback and monitoring

Self-monitoring of behaviour

Establish a method for the person to monitor and record their behaviour(s) as part of a behaviour change strategy

Lack of motivation to maintain behaviour change recommendations

Participants to tick which dietary adjustments they achieved weekly