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Table 2 Characteristics of all participants at baseline

From: A 10-week intergenerational program bringing together community-living older adults and preschool children (INTERACTION): a pilot feasibility non-randomised clinical trial


Total (n = 19)

Intervention group (n = 9)

Control group (n = 10)

Age, years, mean (SD)

76.2 (6.4)

77.2 (5.1)

75.2 (7.6)

Female gender, n (%)

17 (89.5)

9 (100)

8 (80.0)

Years of education

14.00 [8.00]

12.00 [4.50]

16.00 [6.75]

Years in Australia

66.7 (15.5)

67.89 (13.0)

64.90 (15.9)

Country of birth n (%)


12 (63.2)

5 (55.6)

7 (70.0)

 Other countries

7 (36.8)

4 (44.4)

3 (30.0)

Number of comorbidities

2.00 [3.00]

3.00 [2.50]

2.00 [3.25]

MoCA (score)

25.9 (2.2)

27.1 (2.4)

26.0 (2.3)

Frail scale, n (%)


10 (52.6)

4 (44.4)

6 (60.0)


9 (47.4)

5 (55.6)

4 (40.0)

SPPB—lower extremity function (score)

10.00 [5.00]

6.00 [5.50]

11.00 [3.50]

Time up and Go (TUG) (seconds)

9.33 [4.19]

10.46 [6.45]

7.29 [3.59]

Grip strength (kilograms)

15.82 (8.04)

13.85 (5.30)

18.00 (8.24)

Near tandem balance (seconds)

30.00 [6.00]

30.00 [3.33]

30.00 [19.50]

IconFES concerns about falling (score)

55.6 (17.5)

64.00 (17.37)

48.10 (14.47)

PANAS negative affect* (score)

15.00 [9.00]

16.00 [9.50]

13.50 [10.50]

PANAS positive affect (score)

36.11 (7.45)

35.11 (5.30)

37.00 (9.18)

LSNS-6—social engagement (score)

17.42 (5.11)

17.44 (6.19)

17.40 (4.27]

SF36—general health (score)

65.26 (21.82)

63.33 (23.18)

67.00 (21.63)

SF36—physical function (score)

67.31 (26.84)

65.99 (29.23)

68.50 (26.04]

SF36—social function (score)

87.50 [38.00]

87.50 [43.75]

87.50 [37.50]

SF36—emotional wellbeing (score)

69.89 (10.69]

65.78 (12.35)

73.60 (7.82)

SF36—energy/fatigue (score)

57.37 (14.56)

53.33 (15.00)

61.00 (13.90)

SF36—pain* (score)

77.50 [35.00]

77.50 [40.00]

78.75 [33.12]

SF36—role limitations due to physical health (score)

100.00 [100.00]

100.00 [100.00]

50.00 [100.00]

SF36—role limitations due to emotional problems (score)

100.00 [33.00]

100.00 [50.00]

100.00 [33.33]

  1. Note: Measurements in median and interquartile range represented in “[ ]” unless otherwise indicated
  2. Abbreviations: MoCA Montreal Cognitive Assessment, SPPB Short Physical Performance Battery, PANAS Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, LSNS Lubben Social Network Scale, SF36 36-Item Short Form Health Survey, IconFES Iconographical Falls Efficacy Scale 
  3. *Higher scores = less favourable